Sexism Report


To all the beautiful Pakistani women out there, this space is for you to share your story of sexism, eve teasing, sexual harassment or molestation in a safe space. From all the causal encounters of misogyny that you were forced to brush aside to the online bullying and rape threats to the abuse and molestation by strangers or those very familiar to you, share your story in the comments. It’s my small project to compile these stories and analyze how frequent sexual harassment truly is in our society.

I’ll start with myself. I’ve had an unfortunate experience of a group of young men stalking me in a big market in Pakistan passing lewd comments and laughing. Another time, on the street, some random dude tried to bump his shoulders with mine while I was taking a walk. Not a long time ago, after eating out while I was going to my car, a dude in his car tried to have a cheap trill by barely missing hitting me with his car while he laughed hysterically. These and many more such stories that occur daily around us and are perceived as ‘normal’ need to be spoken about. Feel free to share your experience and you can choose to be anonymous.


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